The Traveler's Journal  
Travel Articles by David Bear
Versions of these articles and columns have appeared in newspapers around the county. Please enjoy them for your own use, but if you want to reproduce or publish them in any form, please let us know first by emailing us

Gigapixel Panoramas of the World's Cities


The Pittsburgh Gigapanorama (click on image to view full gigapan) 


Recognizing the unprecedented possibilities of GigaPan technology to capture, archive, and display urban environments, photographers around the world are shooting massive resolution panoramas of the cities they love. Often taken from a local pinnacle of perspective, these wonderfully interactive images include some of the largest digital photographs ever created.

For those who know and love these cities well, these pictures can be a source of endless fascination and civic pride. For visitors seeking a sense of a city and its landscape, they are tickets to a new kind of familiarity. For anyone who just wants to know how other places look, they are literally windows on the world.

The Traveler's Journal displays a new and exceptional example here each week.

This week's featured gigapixel panorama:  Istanbul

Previous featured selections   

You can also find an ever-growing album of these amazing interactive images at  


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