TravelTalkRADIO and BusinessTravelRADIO For Dec 16
TravelTalkRADIO and BusinessTravelRADIO
Sunday December 16, 2012
LIVE via Satellite on radio stations in USA and beyond.
Streaming from this page at Noon to 1pm ET
and Rebroadcast at 2 - 3pm ET
Second Hour: 1 - 2pm ET Rebroadcast at 3 - 4pm ET
Joining Sandy on TravelTalkRADIO
This week is Stephen Oddo from Walks of Italy
and ITMI president and founder Ted Bravos
will be our guest host as we talk to activist,
singer and flamenco Guitarist, AnnaMaria Cardinalli.
BusinessTravelRADIO guests include:
Andre Gower from Premiere Sports Travel and
Anita Mendiratta, Founder of Cache Consulting
Scott Appleman from Rainbow Ryders, Hot Air Balloons.
A Fresh Look at Travel & Healthy Lifestyles
RADIO Broadcast & Live Streaming Online
Archives available
This Week TravelTalkRADIO
Walks of Italy,
Tour Directors Institute
Activist/Singer/Flamenco Guitarist
Sports Travel
Future of Travel
Hot Air Ballooning
December 2012