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Consumer Traveler Today: Sept 8


Consumer Traveler Today: Sunday musings: An airline caste system, bad profits, round-the-world myths

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Sunday musings: An airline caste system, bad profits, round-the-world myths

Posted: 08 Sep 2013 03:00 AM PDT

We have a lot to think about. These first two articles deal with the separation between airlines and their customers. Slowly, passengers are finding themselves treated more and more as cargo. Human interaction, compassion and empathy have been eliminated from the equation of airline travel. Customer service has all but been eliminated. At the same time airlines are foisting fees on their customers that passenger instinctively know are unjustified. However, they pay the fees but wait for a way to "take revenge." Finally, a simpler, more enjoyable subject — round the word travel and its feasibility.

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